All Buck Cheyne wanted to do was escape to Hawaii for some well-deserved R&R with the woman he’d met in Santa Fe just a few months prior. He and Elizabeth Harrington had already traveled a decent distance down the relationship highway. But it was time to see how being together for more than just a day or two at a time might impact their feelings for one another. There seemed no escaping the fact that Buck's billionaire status along with having a thriving global business made spending quantity time with that one special person almost impossible. When his college friend, Lana Jacobs, finds herself in a dire predicament, his best plans for a vacation with Liz in paradise are even further derailed.
The blurb is all I want to give away about the novel. You can read chapter 1 by clicking on the link above. Here’s a little more information:
Interview with the Author
Q – So, what makes the Thin Places series special?
A – It’s more than just one thing, I think. When I started writing these stories, I wanted to create books that mirrored ones I like to read. My top fiction picks almost always involve strong, well-developed male and female lead characters. And they have to love travel and adventure. A favorite series by a best-selling author involves a billionaire. So, I had to throw that into the mix as well.
Each of the novels involves travel (Santa Fe, Hawaii, Big Bend…). It’s not only the destination, but how they do travel. While I don’t write realism, many of the places my characters visit actually do exist. Get this: I had a reader tell me they did the Buck and Liz tour of Santa Fe.
My romantic suspense series…with a touch of fantasy adds the mystical/spiritual dimension, too. Buck’s Irish heritage calls for a bit of Celtic romance and lore. Hence, “thin places” – “locales where the distance between heaven and earth collapses and we’re able to catch glimpses of the divine.”
Overall, the Thin Places books are a great mix of the romance and suspense genres with just enough fantasy to take them to a different level. My desire is to present a more contemporary perspective of classic romance equally balanced with suspense where my readers are entertained and able to enjoy a bit of an escape from all that presses in on any given day.
Q – What order should I read the books in?
A – I’ve written the series so each novel will stand on its own. You can read them in any order you wish. By the time you’re finished, all story threads will wrap up nicely. However, if you wish to read them in order, here is the proper sequence:
• Celtic Oak (A prequel available exclusively to my email list)
• Thin Places: Santa Fe
• Thin Places: Hawaii
• Thin Places: Big Bend
• Thin Places: Dallas (coming soon)
Q – So, why should readers give these books a try?
A – They’re entertaining with fascinating characters you’ll enjoy getting to know and checking in with from time to time. And the price on Book 1 in the series is just about perfect for a test read.
Thin Places Romantic Suspense Series…with a touch of Fantasy eBook Categories:
• Romantic Suspense
• Mystery & Suspense Romance
• Fantasy & Futuristic Romance
• Contemporary Romance