I rang out 2016 with boundless JOY! Mind you, I do come alive when my head is in the story and I’m in full write mode. Those closest to me can attest to the truth of those words, for sure. That dims though, when compared to holding my first grandson, now six months, for the very first time. Needless to say, everything author/novelist was pushed aside for the two weeks this over-the-top adorable lad joined us in Dallas — along with his parents, of course. 😉
Already, the New Year seems to be propelling forward at ever-increasing speed. The rewrite of Thin Places: Santa Fe, my first novel, has been published. And I am back to completing the first writing of Thin Places: Dallas. Then it’s to the back-and-forth editing process. Fortunately, I have awesome editors who respect the tales I conjure and possess a strong desire to make them pop… make them better.
Beginning in 2017, my titles are published exclusively with Amazon.com. Apologies to those who purchased my books at and prefer other mediums. For now, Amazon works best for me. Also, the first book in my Thin Places series, Thin Places: Santa Fe, is no longer free. I am, however, offering it at a significant discount with hopes of motivating readers not yet familiar with my work to check it out… see if it’s for them.
And, YES, I’m already toying with ideas about the next book in the series. I’m hoping to be a bit more prolific and timely in publishing this year! All of this said, THANK YOU for stopping by here. I am so, so grateful when YOU find some delight and enjoyment in my stories.
Cheers to YOU in this New Year! May 2017 be YOUR best year yet…