Looking back, these last twelve months have been among the most magical of my life. When the parents of the newborn little girl in our life had to return to work, my wife and I decided we wanted to help. So, beginning in July Miss Madeleine spent five days a week with Granmama (spelling intentional) and Daddy Ben. And let me tell you, I now completely understand why we’re designed to have babies when we’re young.
I had morning duty. My wife held down afternoons, since that is my most productive writing time. After the first few days, I got back to writing. It was then I realized after numerous head-banging sessions, that I was simply too mentally and physically exhausted to turn out a great story. It just wasn’t working. This mid-60’s man learned first hand that taking care of a little baby is WORK! (I know. I know. You moms already know that.)
We made the decision to set writing aside for this season. My wife emphasized how special this time was for us and how quickly babies grow up. Goodness, how right she was. That season has ended. Baby Girl is in day care three days a week and we are helping with that transition keeping her just two days for now. I’m soon to be back to writing.
BUT, I will not be finishing “Thin Places: Dallas” as a first project. Despite being nearly complete, I don’t like where the plot took the story. It needs work. I hope to revisit Buck and Liz soon. Something else has captured my attention more — children’s books.
Following a trip with Miss M and her parents to Maui to celebrate our year, my birthday, and the wife’s and my 42nd wedding anniversary, I will be working on the first project. My wife, Rebecca, and I have ideas for more, too. But right now, the direction is to get the first one done.
We enjoyed so many incredible moments with our granddaughter this past year. I wouldn’t trade that time for anything. Now it’s time to share some of the magic. More about that soon.